BERMAD Irrigation Blog

Nowadays, digital remote control systems in irrigation infrastructure projects are a must worldwide. Climate change and the more frequent droughts, affecting especially southern Europe, require upgrading and modernizing the existing installations and implementing digital water management systems. Consortiums and farmers need to be able to manage
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Pressure Reducing System with Backup for Irrigation
In this video you will learn about a typical installation and operation of a pressure reducing system for irrigation. The system includes two branches installed per operation cycle settings. One branch controls pressure, while the other branch is kept closed in a backup position.
Topics: Irrigation
Plastic Control Valve - Features and Benefits
For over 10 years, the Bermad 100 Series Plastic Control Valve has been one of the world's best water control valves. Colin Kirkland, Product Manager for Bermad Australia, will run you through the key benefits and design features of the 100 Series valve.
Topics: Irrigation