BERMAD Irrigation Blog

Nowadays, digital remote control systems in irrigation infrastructure projects are a must worldwide. Climate change and the more frequent droughts, affecting especially southern Europe, require upgrading and modernizing the existing installations and implementing digital water management systems. Consortiums and farmers need to be able to manage

Irrigation Infrastructure Digitalization Project in Sardinia
Nowadays, digital remote control systems in irrigation infrastructure projects are a must worldwide. Climate change and the more frequent droughts, affecting especially southern Europe, require upgrading and modernizing the existing installations and implementing digital water management systems. Consortiums and farmers need to be able to manage their irrigation remotely while obtaining historical data as a means for understanding operational changes while continuously improving irrigation system efficiency and water conservation.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Meeting the Demands of Large-Scale Irrigation Water Supply Projects - Your Questions Answered
As energy costs and global food shortages continue to rise, governments and water associations focus on irrigation infrastructure projects that can deliver irrigation water with cost-efficiency. Irrigation water supply projects can broadly be divided into three key areas:
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

The Advantages of Mechanized Irrigation
Mechanized Irrigation (mainly center pivots, but also laterals & other irrigation machines etc.) is a modern method of crop irrigation that has revolutionized agriculture since its invention in the mid-20th century. This innovative technique involves the use of large, rotating irrigation machines mounted on wheels, which pivot around a central point, hence the name "Center Pivot”.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Irrigation with Recycled Water - Design Guidelines
Designing an irrigation system that utilizes recycled water can be extremely challenging. BERMAD has developed tried and tested solutions to successfully deal with these challenges, designing irrigation systems that deliver optimal performance. In this webinar, we took a deep dive into planning, product selection and ongoing operation.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

BERMAD's Solutions for Center Pivot & Lateral Movements Market
Mechanized irrigation was developed during the 1940s to include center pivot, lateral move, and linear move irrigation machines in cultivated fields using minimum labor and infrastructures. These machines must often move over diverse terrain, including sloped areas and muddy fields. They represent relatively large irrigation units from the hydraulic and irrigation perspectives.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

BERMAD Flow Control & Pressure Reducing
BERMAD IR-172 Flow Control and Pressure Reducing Valve has already proven to be an effective and reliable solution. Moreover, it is an essential component for pressure and flow control installed in the Bermad Outlet Management System (or OMS), which is an irrigation control head installed across many projects in India supplying irrigation water for farmers' associations.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar
Large agricultural water delivery projects require advanced area parcellation and management in order to provide a stable supply of irrigation water to thousands of farmers. In BERMAD’s approach, the entire area (command area) is divided into different zones and sub-zones, each managed by the OMS (Outlet Management Systems). Each OMS is equipped with 4-12 valves, a water meter and pressure sensors, all controlled by one Omega irrigation controller which communicates with the cloud through cellular or RF communication. As a result, each sub-zone is consecutively irrigated in shifts, according to the planned irrigation schedule. The entire command area is managed and controlled by BERMAD’s cloud application which is connected to all Omega controllers in the field.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Meeting the Demands of Large-Scale Irrigation Water Supply Projects
As energy costs and global food shortages continue to rise, water associations are focusing on irrigation infrastructure projects that can cost-effectively and efficiently deliver irrigation water. Irrigation water supply projects can broadly be divided into three key areas:
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Modernization of Large-Scale Agricultural Areas in India
Water scarcity drives the need for efficient water use
As a global agricultural powerhouse, irrigation is critical to India’s agricultural growth. Climate change, insufficient rain, and increased consumption due to rapidly developing urban populations and industrial areas have led to water scarcity. During the last decades, the irrigated land area in India has expanded extensively. Traditionally, irrigation in India was mainly carried out by gravity and surface irrigation (flood irrigation) through open canal networks. However, canal irrigation systems are inefficient and lead to poor utilization of irrigation potential.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar
OMEGA irrigation controller series together with BERMAD Cloud, Web App and Smartphone App offers an advanced cloud-based control solution for your irrigation and 24/7 connectivity with your installation over the internet. Omega is a standalone battery-operated controller that offers a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for irrigation systems, water distribution, data acquisition and pre-paid systems (districts & consortiums).
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar
Irrigating with the lowest possible pressure is becoming more common due to the cost increase of energy & pipes as well as upgrading irrigation systems from flood to pressurized irrigation. In the upcoming webinar, we will share some of BERMAD's solutions for low pressure applications and for optimizing irrigation system pressure helping to reduce projects cost, minimizing water losses and allowing uniform irrigation
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Smart Metering with Composite Electromagnetic Flow Meters
As the agriculture industry continues to undergo a digital transformation, BERMAD continuously strives to provide new ways to deliver data quickly and easily. In other words, Smart Metering. Mag meters provide data on flow indications, totalizers, line pressure & temperature, logs and much more. In this webinar, we will talk about the benefits of using mag meters in collecting accurate data and making it available anywhere, anytime.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar
OMEGA irrigation controller series together with BERMAD Cloud Web access and smartphone app offers an advanced cloud-based control solution for your irrigation and 24/7 connectivity with your installation over the internet. Omega is a standalone battery-operated controller that offers a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for irrigation systems, water distribution, data acquisition and pre-paid systems
(districts & consortiums).
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

BERMAD Control Solutions for Big Irrigation Infrastructures Webinar
Big Irrigation nets, delivering pressurized water in controlled conditions to many farmers (sometimes along thousands of hectares) are probably the most cost-efficient, environmentally oriented solution in the very demanding scenario of the globally growing demand of agriculture production. BERMAD has long-term experience in designing, producing, and implementing control solutions for such infrastructures, largely proven in hundreds of Irrigation Consortiums in Southern Europe.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Optimize Your Infield System with Top Pilot & Double Chamber Valves
With rapidly growing demand for infield pressure control solutions, irrigation system designers must find solutions to prevent fluctuations during pressure regulation and increase reaction speeds in order to provide more economical and reliable irrigation solutions. Based on BERMAD's best-selling 100 and 200 series valves, we're now able to deliver two advanced solutions: BERMAD's Double Chamber 100 Series, which offers faster closing speed for better pressure regulation when upstream pressure changes and Top Pilot valves, available in both 100 and 200 series, which deliver optimal performance in the most challenging irrigation environments.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar
BERMAD invites you to watch our webinar series which takes a comprehensive look at the key issues facing irrigation today. Six webinars covering irrigation design; control problems & solutions along the irrigation field; air valves, water meters & irrigation control valves; irrigation in greenhouses; review of case studies and answers to questions from the field.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Monitoring and control of irrigation system for agricultural cooperative
Adapting irrigation infrastructure to changing needs in the world of agriculture
Today, as the world of agriculture is undergoing rapid modernization and everyone is talking about agrotechnology, there are still areas where it is necessary to close a gap of hundreds of years in irrigation infrastructure.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Dual pressure reducing stations for control and monitoring of irrigation system
The Olmos project in Peru, is a mega project diverting water from the Huancabamba river. The project was a joint venture between the Netafim drip irrigation company which designed and executed the project, Valmont Industries, which supplied the center-pivot irrigation systems, and BERMAD which designed and supplied unique automatic hydraulic solutions for this project.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Pressure Reducing & Cavitation - Your Questions Answered
Pressure and flow value optimization are an integral part of irrigation system design. With constant and often dramatic fluctuations in demand flow and supply pressure, valves and other components need to ensure dynamic pressure and flow control across the entire system.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

How to Stay on Top of Performance with BERMAD’s New Integrated Top Pilot Series
We’d like to introduce you to our new 3-way and 2-way integrated Top Pilot Series, which is ideal for computerized irrigation plot valves in drip and sprinkler irrigation systems.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Flow Control Principals and Hydraulic Flow Sensing Methods
Hydraulic flow control can be used to increase the efficiency of irrigation systems, optimize water usage, and balance and protect hydraulic systems.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Center Pivots & Linears - Mechanized Irrigation Solutions (VRI, Flush Valve, Pivot Valve)
Mechanized irrigation systems such as Center Pivots and Linears are used to irrigate large cultivated fields.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Pressure Sustaining, Circulation and Relief in Irrigation Systems — Your Questions Answered
In a recent BERMAD webinar, “Pressure Sustaining, Circulation and Relief in Irrigation Systems”, our Application Engineer Sarit Hatzbany took a closer look at pressure sustaining principles of operation and the key differences between relief, circulation and inline sustaining valves.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

BERMAD Optimal Approach to Irrigation Design — Your Questions Answered
In a recent BERMAD webinar, “The Optimal Approach to Irrigation Design” our Global Irrigation Unit Manager, Yiftah Enav presented BERMAD's Design Approach when facing the multiple considerations in project design.
Yiftah chose to start our Webinar Series by presenting basic terminology combined with theoretical rules-of-thumb referring to achieving optimal irrigation uniformity.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar