Water Control Solutions

BERMAD Irrigation Blog

The Advantages of Mechanized Irrigation

Mechanized Irrigation (mainly center pivots, but also laterals & other irrigation machines etc.) is a modern method of crop irrigation that has revolutionized agriculture since its invention in the mid-20th century. This innovative technique involves the use of large, rotating irrigation machines mounted on wheels, which pivot around a central point,

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Jose Luis Castillo

Jose Luis Castillo

Recent Posts

19 Jul 2022
Last updated date: 26 Mar 2023
Jose Luis Castillo
Jose Luis Castillo

Low Pressure Applications

Irrigating with the lowest possible pressure is becoming more common due to the cost increase of energy & pipes as well as upgrading irrigation systems from flood to pressurized irrigation. In the upcoming webinar, we will share some of BERMAD's solutions for low pressure applications and for optimizing irrigation system pressure helping to reduce projects cost, minimizing water losses and allowing uniform irrigation

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Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

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