Supplying water at the required pressure in Israel’s high-rise buildings is an ongoing challenge. The standard practice in high-rise buildings is to pump water up to a reservoir on the roof. The water then descends through the building piping using gravitational force, creating high pressure that must be reduced for consumer use.
Proving water 24/7 for consumption and fire-extinguishing for a 60-story building Azrieli Town, Tel Aviv was the challenge facing BERMAD’s engineers. In order to meet the requirements of this mega-project, water pumps and control valves were installed in the buildings to supply water at a suitable pressure and flow for domestic use and for the fire hose and sprinkler systems.
To ensure constant water supply during repairs or maintenance, parallel backup pressure reduction systems were installed to guarantee continuous water supply to consumers and fire systems until the main valve is returned to service.
Drawing on more than 50 years of experience and knowledge, BERMAD’s team provided technical support and guidance during every stage of the project. See how BERMAD’s engineers met the challenge of quiet and trouble-free water supply in Azrieli Town.