Water Control Solutions

Buildings & Construction

Safety Valves for Highrise Buildings

Water supply systems on highrise buildings, including their control valves, are required to operate trouble-free and with minimal maintenance for many years. Therefore, selecting the most appropriate control valves models and integrating safety valves into the various systems from the very first planning stages is essential to ensure compliance with

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10 Sep 2023
Last updated date: 10 Jun 2024
Rami Levkovich
Rami Levkovich

Safety Valves for Highrise Buildings

Water supply systems on highrise buildings, including their control valves, are required to operate trouble-free and with minimal maintenance for many years. Therefore, selecting the most appropriate control valves models and integrating safety valves into the various systems from the very first planning stages is essential to ensure compliance with such a requirement.

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Topics: Building & Construction, Pressure control valve

Pressure oscillation is a phenomenon that develops in some water supply systems in high-rise buildings. It can be a nuisance for building occupants as it creates unstable flows in faucets, disturbs the stable mix of hot and cold shower water, and might even damage delicate appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers.

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Topics: Building & Construction, Pressure control valve

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