BERMAD Fire Protection

When it comes to fire protection systems, reliability and precision are essential for safeguarding lives and assets. A key component that ensures system performance is the pressure reducing valve (PRV), which regulates water pressure to optimal levels. Among the top solutions available, the BERMAD 42T Pressure Reducing Valve has emerged as a global
Gaby Kantz

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Deluge Valve Case Study: Tempa Rossa Oilfield
The Tempa Rossa project is a newly developed oilfield situated in the Sauro Valley of the Basilicata region of southern Italy. The project is jointly owned by Total E&P Italia, Shell, and Mitsui E&P Italia. It was discovered in 1989 and brought into production in 2016. The oilfield is estimated to contain total reserves of 200 million barrels of high quality crude oil, with an anticipated peak daily output of 50,000 barrels. Natural gas, LPG, and sulfur are also being produced.
Topics: Fire Protection, Deluge Valves