Water Control Solutions

BERMAD Fire Protection

East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project

Have you heard about the world's longest, heated crude oil pipeline? Developed through a collaborative effort between: Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), TotalEnergies, and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the groundbreaking project of EACOP (stands for: East African Crude Oil Pipeline) is designed to facilitate the

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25 Apr 2017
Last updated date: 14 Aug 2017
Posted by Larry Rimel

Solving Water Hammer Problems with an Innovative Deluge Valve

The Sakhalin project is a two-phase, on- and off-shore oil and gas development on Sakhalin Island, Russia, located in the Okhotsk Sea. The project is owned and operated by Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL). Combined, the Sakhalin phase 1 and 2 reserves contain an estimated 1,200 million barrels of crude oil. The project includes Russia’s first LNG plant, and is expected to contribute billions of dollars to the Russian economy. The first Sakhalin 1 well was drilled in 2003.

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Topics: Fire Protection, Offshore

Fire protection systems play a critical role in preserving safety at oil and gas facilities. Deluge systems are classified as active fire protection measures and are commonly used in a wide range of offshore O&G installations, including floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, floating production systems (FPSs), and fixed platforms.

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Topics: Fire Protection, Offshore

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