Water Control Solutions

Fire Protection Valves

East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project

Vincent Lee
Vincent Lee
22 Jul 2024
Last updated: 22 Jul 2024

Have you heard about the world's longest, heated crude oil pipeline? Developed through a collaborative effort between: Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), TotalEnergies, and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the groundbreaking project of EACOP (stands for: East African Crude Oil Pipeline) is designed to facilitate the transportation of produced oil from Uganda's Lake Albert oilfields to the port of Tanga in Tanzania, from which it will be distributed worldwide.

The 24" oil export pipeline is buried and covered with topsoil and vegetation to ensure safe crossing for people and animals. it spans 1,443 km from Kabaale, Hoima district in Uganda to the Chongoleani Peninsula near Tanga Port in Tanzania. With a design capacity of 246,000 b/d, the pipeline is electrically heated to maintain a temperature above 50 degrees, A temperature that facilitates the flow of crude oil by reducing its viscosity.

EACOP map provided by eacop.com

Image source: eacop.com

An operation such as this consists of the following:

• 6 pumping stations
• 2 pressure reduction stations
• Power generating station and terminal
• Power distribution network and telecom (control & communication)
• Heating facilities
• Marine storage and export terminal
• Load-out facility (in Tanzania)


As for what BERMAD provided to this project:

49 units of 400Y Electric Pressure Control Deluge valves - Specially designed for advanced fire protection systems that comply with the industry's latest standards. Opening and closing of these valves may be controlled remotely utilizing electric components to suit the hazardous environment.

3 units of 43T Pressure Relief valves - elastomeric, pilot-operated valves that prevent damage from over-pressure in the pipeline and maintain a preset upstream pressure limit regardless of pressure peaks and fluctuating conditions.

and 34 units of 60F fire-line basket strainers mounted on skids, to prevent the clogging of fire sprinkler nozzles and other debris-sensitive components in water or foam fire systems.

Having a significant role in this project is deeply meaningful to us, as we work with our esteemed distributor, Deluge Offshore & Marine Pte Ltd, in Singapore.

TotalEnergies France and Worley UK Joint inspection in Singapore

TotalEnergies France and Worley UK Joint inspection in Singapore.


If you would like to discuss fire protection system design with our experts, you can schedule a free consultation. click here to contact our Fire Protection experts.


Topics: Fire Protection, Fire Pump, Circulation relief valve fire pump

Vincent Lee

Written by Vincent Lee

Vincent is a Fire Protection Engineer and the APAC Area Manager for BERMAD. He has extensive experience both as a marine engineer and in fire protection industries.

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