BERMAD Irrigation Blog

Nowadays, digital remote control systems in irrigation infrastructure projects are a must worldwide. Climate change and the more frequent droughts, affecting especially southern Europe, require upgrading and modernizing the existing installations and implementing digital water management systems. Consortiums and farmers need to be able to manage
Elad Orenstein

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Overcoming Common Challenges and Maximizing Crop Quality With Composite Electromagnetic Flow Meters
- Optimizing resources has become vital for growers to optimize their resources to improve productivity and ultimately increase profits, while keeping track of resource availability, analyzing processes and monitoring amounts and costs.
Topics: Irrigation

Smart Metering with Composite Electromagnetic Flow Meters
As the agriculture industry continues to undergo a digital transformation, BERMAD continuously strives to provide new ways to deliver data quickly and easily. In other words, Smart Metering. Mag meters provide data on flow indications, totalizers, line pressure & temperature, logs and much more. In this webinar, we will talk about the benefits of using mag meters in collecting accurate data and making it available anywhere, anytime.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar