BERMAD Irrigation Blog

Our recent webinar discussed "Digitalization and Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure in Oristano, Italy". The session explored a transformation project in Sardinia, focusing on the upgrading process of BERMAD products that have been operating reliably for 30 years. By implementing these upgrades, the products and the entire system will
Tal Ben-Yaakov

Recent Posts

Irrigation with Recycled Water - Design Guidelines
Designing an irrigation system that utilizes recycled water can be extremely challenging. BERMAD has developed tried and tested solutions to successfully deal with these challenges, designing irrigation systems that deliver optimal performance. In this webinar, we took a deep dive into planning, product selection and ongoing operation.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar

Center Pivots & Linears - Mechanized Irrigation Solutions (VRI, Flush Valve, Pivot Valve)
Mechanized irrigation systems such as Center Pivots and Linears are used to irrigate large cultivated fields.
Topics: Irrigation, BERMAD webinar