Water Control Solutions


Meet Your Non-Revenue Water Targets by Advanced Pressure Management – Your Questions Answered

Tal Levi
Tal Levi
02 Dec 2024

A well-known fact is that in many municipal networks, water loss may reach alarming levels of 40% or higher, turning into non-revenue water, leading to a significant waste of water and financial resources.

In our recent webinar, we discussed the advanced pressure management solution that tackles this issue. We introduced our full modulation controller DELTA, and EPSILON data logger, both designed to establish a highly efficient approach. Many interesting questions were raised during the webinar, so we chose a few to answer and share.

  • How many setpoint limitations are there per day? Would it be more efficient to change the set point more often based on the flow?

While products on the market usually offer up to 8 set point windows, which in most cases is more than enough. The Delta controller offers up to 16 windows to provide higher resolution if needed. Users can decide if they wish to control the pressure by a pressure threshold or according to flow levels.

  • Can the Delta controller be set up to record directly to the water company’s system without passing through the BERMAD ommunication system?

Sure. Using a built-in API (Application Programming Interface), integration with other platforms can be done easily and without additional cost.

Find out more about the DELTA pressure modulation controller. Watch:

  • Is the data logger capable of transmitting data 2 meters below ground?

Yes, the data logger meets IP68 standards and is equipped with a premium modem with a roaming SIM, So it operates and communicates from underground pits as well. When the signal is poor, an external antenna is also an option to ensure proper data transmission

  • Is there a special calibration of the controller required?

Yes, installation and commissioning include Delta calibration and manual set-up in the field. The process is straightforward and is quite easy to produce. Visit the Delta IOM page for more information.

  • Is there a simpler data logger for flow and pressure monitoring?

The EPSILON-DL is a data logger specifically designed for that, logging only pressure and flow. A complete description of the data logger can be found on the Epsilon-DL product page.

  • Does the Epsilon & the Delta can be operated using an external power source?

Yes, both DELTA and EPSILON can be powered by an external power source, such as a solar panel, external battery, or mains grid.

Did you miss the webinar? Watch the recording to find out more about pressure management, stay up-to-date with the non-revenue water challenges and the technologies used to overcome them.


Looking for a deeper dive into the reduction of non-revenue water for water utilities?
<< Here's everything you need to know >>

Topics: Waterworks, Control valves

Tal Levi

Written by Tal Levi

Tal Levi has been a Waterworks Application Engineer at BERMAD, world leaders in water control solutions, for nearly eight years. Tal specializes in pressure surge and network hydraulics. He holds a Masters in Water Industry Engineering.

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