Water Control Solutions

BERMAD Waterworks

Reducing Non-Revenue Water for Water Utilities

Tapping Into Efficiency: The Unseen Potential of Non-Revenue WaterIn the vast and intricate world of water utilities, a significant challenge persistently affects the efficiency and sustainability of water systems worldwide. This challenge is known as non-revenue water (NRW). 

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How can water utilities save 30% of domestic water consumption and still supply water to the public at the required pressure? With the help of BERMAD’s technological water-saving solutions.

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Topics: Waterworks, Vlog

Simple, smart, and robust hydraulic solution for Yara International in Norway

To solve complex challenges, simple solutions are required. Norwegian company Yara International, an industry leader in manufacturing agricultural fertilizers, issued a tender for a water pressure control system with strict requirements. They required a simple solution for high pressure reduction with 24/7 water supply with high flow rates — with no redundancy!

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Topics: Waterworks, Vlog

In a recent BERMAD webinar, “Managing Water Security Events with Emergency Control Valves,” Micha Baer, our Waterworks Application Engineer, talked about the types and causes of water security events, the measures that need to be taken to minimize the risks, and how emergency control valves can be used to manage such events.

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Topics: Waterworks, Vlog

Designing a turnkey water supply solution on for Mekorot, Israel's national water company proved to be a major engineering challenge for BERMAD. The Tzafit project involved connecting the Dead Sea to the national desalination system through a 46 km pipeline, beginning at Tzafit pools (450 meters above sea level) and descending to the Dead Sea (380 meters below sea level). This creates extremely high pressure of 83 bar, which needs to be reduced to 5 bar, the standard pressure for domestic use.

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Topics: Waterworks, Vlog

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