BERMAD Fire Protection

When it comes to fire protection systems, reliability and precision are essential for safeguarding lives and assets. A key component that ensures system performance is the pressure reducing valve (PRV), which regulates water pressure to optimal levels. Among the top solutions available, the BERMAD 42T Pressure Reducing Valve has emerged as a global
Giora Cameron

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Pressure Control Deluge Valves Used in Martin Linge Production Platform
Fire protection systems play a critical role in preserving safety at oil and gas facilities. Deluge systems are classified as active fire protection measures and are commonly used in a wide range of offshore O&G installations, including floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, floating production systems (FPSs), and fixed platforms.
Topics: Fire Protection, Offshore
For the first time BERMAD Fire Protection hosted a stand at this year’s ADIPEC. Our stand was located in the UK pavilion alongside many other participating UK companies. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet with many Regional End User’s, EPC’s, Integrators and suppliers (far too many to mention here).
Topics: Fire Protection

Your Window Into BERMAD’s High Risk Environment
Communicating about industrial fire protection equipment can be challenging, because so often the visual element is lacking. Often, concepts that are simple in theory can be very difficult to convey and learn when the only vehicles to communication are wordy descriptions and a few simple diagrams.
Topics: Fire Protection

Announcing the New BERMAD Website and Fire Protection Blog
For 50 years, BERMAD has been the recognized pioneer and world-leading provider of high quality hydraulic control valves. Today, we’re announcing our new website and blog as a way for us to share high value content and information with you.
Topics: Fire Protection